Will you go through?

The first Adventure starts with the Friends discovering the magical door that connects our world to the land of Yeld. How do the Friends find the door? That’s up to the Game Master to decide (although the rest of us can make suggestions!).

Maybe the door is located in a spooky old abandoned school that the Friends like to sneak into?

Maybe the door is hidden deep in the woods at the edge of town?

Or maybe one of the Friends, the new kid in town, discovers the door in the basement of the old house he just moved into?

The choice is yours!

  • Discovering Yeld

    Spend a few Adventures exploring their new world and uncovering some of its secrets! Because they can travel back and forth through the door the Friends can come and go from Yeld as they please. In these early Adventures the Friends will face their first Monsters and uncover their first Treasure.

    During these Adventures the Friends are dealing with trouble at home - sneaking off to Yeld is hard work, and keeping the door secret from their parents, friends and neighbors is a real chore! Maybe bits of Yeld follow the Friends home through the door!

  • Exploring Yeld

    Eventually the Friends will wander far enough to discover nearby towns, monster forts and ruins and meet some of the inhabitants of the magical land. The early monsters the Friends meet won’t be too dangerous, and a few may even be friendly!

    Now the Friends will start to learn a little about Yeld. They’ll hear about the Vampire Prince that rules the land, and maybe get their first glimpse of a Fairy soldier or a Storm Mountain renegade! They’ll also meet the Mentor that will eventually give them their Heroic Jobs.

  • Meeting the Inhabitants

    The townsfolk are hearty and kind people who have lived under the shadow of the Vampire Prince for centuries.

    The townsfolk are confused by the Friends strange appearance but welcome them into their community and are happy to trade knives, clubs and other simple weapons for items or coins that the Friends bring through the Door.

  • Back through the Door?

    After their first truly challenging adventure the Friends head back to the magical door to return to their own world. But the door is shut and will not open!

    The Friends are trapped in Yeld!

The Mentor

The Mentor (a town elder, local Goblin Trader, sympathetic Fairy
Soldier, Wolf Chief or some other friendly adult the Friends have met)
considers the Friends plight and offers them a plan.

Legend says that magical keys can be found in seven hidden temples spread throughout Yeld. With these keys the Friends can open the magical door and return to their own world!

But Dragul’s most trusted lieutenants, the dreaded Hunters of Yeld, protect the temples and guard the keys. The Friends will have to challenge each Hunter in order to win the keys and unlock the door home!

The Hunters of Yeld

The legendary Hunters of Yeld are the chief lieutenants of Dragul, and
each is charged with ruling and protecting a part of the Vampire
Prince’s vast realm.

To find the Hunters the Friends must search out the hidden temples and mysterious fortresses where they reside and challenge them. Like the Boss Monsters in any good video game, each Hunter offers the Friends a unique challenge (and powerful rewards).

Only once all 7 Hunters are defeated and their keys are in the Friend’s hands will they be able to find their way home.

The Vampire Prince, Dragul

The Vampire Prince Dragul sits on the great ebony throne in his fortress in the heart of Yeld. As the first and most powerful of all vampires, Dragul rules the vast lands of Yeld and holds the loyalty of the Hunters of Yeld.

The Friends may have to face Dragul before they can find their way home!

You're almost ready...

All that's left is to pick up a rule book, grab your Friends, and go through the door!

get started